(ThyBlackMan.com) Here is an excerpt of a statement from Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation (BLMGNF) in regard to their mission as a result of a recent lawsuit brought by Melinda Abdullah:
“The problems we face as a community are too great for us to be divided. The only way to deal with the critical issues of police brutality, ending state sanctioned violence, economic prosperity for Black people, and achieving a world where Black people across the Diaspora thrive, experience joy, and are not defined by their struggles, is if we heal the past and re-imagine the future.”
Here is a statement from the Board Chair for BLMGNF Cicley Gay:
“It seems that everything we do at the Foundation comes down to this: Are we investing in ways that build Black Power for Black Liberation? Are we holding, building, and moving these resources in integrity; in ways that are accountable to future generations?
“We recognize that we are in a moment, a moment full of promise and peril. This is not new for Black people. What is new is the unprecedented resources under Black control that can be used to build Black Power for Black Liberation. This is an opportunity and a blessing, wrought by the work of those who came before us, by the organizing and leadership of BLM’s founders and leaders, and the amazing work of the Black Liberation Ecosystem at large.” BLM controls roughly $30 million in assets, according to an article by the Associated Press, dated 5/26/2023, titled “New Black Lives Matter tax documents show foundation is tightening its belt, has $30m in assets.”
Now, here is how the Biden-Harris administration is hurting American workers, professional, blue collar, union, working-class Americans, and especially Black Americans when it comes to undercounting our unemployment rates, and how BLM can impact and end this vile policy. African Americans, who have the highest unemployment rate of any worker group are hurt most severely by this scam.
A pivotal moment in the history of the United States was the day the Democratic Party, as a matter of policy begin to undercount the unemployment rates of American workers. When I say as “a matter of policy,” it is important that you understand what that means. It means the Biden-Harris administration advocates using all aspects, of “the power of the federal government,” in furtherance of a repugnant policy of deceiving American voters, when it comes to our unemployment rates, and the state of the American economy. It is a policy that is inevitably destructive to our Democracy.
Policies are generally directed at achieving a particular result and goal. The achievement of Biden’s goal is destroying our Democracy as you read this. Through this policy, the Biden White House compromises every day the venerable institution of the Department of Labor, which produces statistical information regarding our unemployment situation each month. That department is forced, due to the Biden-Harris administration’s policies, to announce each month, a monthly rate of unemployment, that is not comprehensive of America’s unemployment situation.
The U-3 category rate of unemployment taken from the Table of Alternative Measures of Labor Underutilization, which is what the Biden-Harris administration announces each month as our official Job rate was never meant to be viewed, as being comprehensive of our nation’s unemployment situation, because it is narrow in scope, as it measures a small worker group, hence, it will always flash a low Job rate number. The U-3 rate was 3.9% for February. Economists, at the time the changes to the unemployment rates were made in 1994, agreed the most comprehensive of the category of unemployment rates is the U-6 rate, which was 7.3%, for the month of February. The Black American unemployment rate averages 2.7% higher over the Real rate and hit 10% for February. Ten percent unemployment is the rate the nation was declared to be in a Great Recession in 2008, during the Obama administration.
Some of you may not understand how a few percentages can make a gigantic difference. Here is a simple way to visualize how Mr. Biden is hurting American workers. If you low ball, or undercount laid off workers, with a lower Job rate (Biden’s February political rate of 3.9%) than the Real rate for February (7.3%), President Biden willfully counts only 53% of unemployed and laid off working-class Americans, leaving 47% of American workers, including Black Americans uncounted, and unseen, by Congressional policy makers, who use the administration’s numbers to construct legislation to help unemployed Americans. For detail and factual evidence, Biden and Democrats are actively doing this, undercounting our Job rates, click on the article at this link now, https://thyblackman.com/2023/10/06/president-joe-biden-and-democrats-undercount-our-job-rates-as-a-recession-looms/.
Here is the proposal sent to Chair Cicley Gay of Black Lives Matter GNF to fix this problem and in fixing it, BLM fulfills its mission of economic prosperity for Black people. The vast majority, of the American electorate, is unaware the Biden-Harris administration is engaging in undercounting the unemployment rates of American workers. This includes Black American workers.
So, what is the proposal? Education is the answer, for as stated above, the majority of the electorate is unaware of the scam of undercounting our unemployment rates The proposal is to educate the electorate over the next 90 to 120 days: exposing the TRUTH about undercounting the unemployment rates of American workers. The Biden administration can END this policy without going to Congress. We propose holding Economic Informational Programs, giving voters an opportunity to decide. A well put together economic information tour (EIT) will be very effective. There is nothing wrong with telling the Truth about how U-3 came to be our official rate of unemployment.
We don’t have Ebony magazine anymore, and our means of communicating via radio have been short circuited, they censor our articles on the internet about this issue, and sometimes they completely block us. Such a tour would hit cities, such as Orlando, Jacksonville, Tallahassee, Atlanta, Newark, New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Huston, Milwaukee, and Los Angeles. We surely want to hold informational programs in cities where Congressional primary races are close, in districts of Congressional Black Caucus members. We could potentially provide political cover for candidates who might speak out about this issue, of undercounting our unemployment rates.
BLM can make a positive difference on behalf of Black American workers and families, which will be felt forever, as the ambitions of Biden and Democrats, is to make this vile policy permanent. Is Black Lives Matter masquerading as a servant of righteousness when it comes to the economic ambitions of Black Americans? “Economic Justice,” when it comes to our unemployment rates consists not in being neutral (taking no action), between the right and wrong of the awful policy, of undercounting our unemployment rates and coming layoffs, but taking a position against the Biden-Harris White House, for this egregious wrong AGAINST US and OUR FAMILIES.
Shouldn’t we expect Black Lives Matter, once examining the evidence of undercounting the unemployment rates of American workers, professional, blue collar, union, and working-class Americans, including African Americans, to proactively pursue justice through education, as stated above? The cost of such a tour would be minimal when you consider the amount of money BLM has under management. The reward to American workers, including Black Americans and the nation will be nothing short of amazing. Through knowledge, Black America and the nation will be positively helped. The path forward, once the Truth is revealed about this scam, will positively advance America economically, also. https://thyblackman.com/2024/02/17/joe-biden-and-the-unveiling-of-truth-misreported-unemployment-rates-and-the-path-to-economic-recovery-through-tax-cuts/
Staff Writer; James Davis
Mr. Davis is a Financial Analyst. His articles are about relating facts in a usable, truthful, and understandable way. That way, WE ALL WIN. James is, the author of three books, among them, “The Fix This Time,” Boost Your Retirement Income! Simultaneously Create Jobs and Spur Economic Growth (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00MI3PD2M). Reach out to James @ his blog https://thefixthistime.com.
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